How to find calm in chaos in today's world

In this insightful piece, Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni Ji emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing emotional challenges, offering practical steps to combat depression and anxiety in today's competitive world. Through self-awareness, seeking support, and embracing positivity, individuals are urged to take control of their minds and celebrate the precious gift of life.

Slow running or exercise, which is better?

The choice between slow running and exercise depends on personal preferences and fitness goals. Slow running, like jogging, offers a low-intensity cardiovascular workout suitable for beginners. Exercise, a broader term, includes various activities with diverse benefits. Learn more about it, here.

Rules followed by parents of highly successful kids

Create a nurturing home environment by designing a daily routine that includes homework, chores, and bedtime. Show your child how school skills relate to real life and be a role model for lifelong learning. Build a strong partnership with your child's school community, attending events and conferences. Encourage responsibility and independence, setting clear rules and celebrating their efforts.