7 easy home remedies to get relief from acidity

​Acidity and gastric discomfort are common digestive issues that many people experience due to various factors such as dietary habits, stress, and lifestyle choices. While medications are available to alleviate symptoms, several easy home remedies can provide relief from acidity and gastric discomfort. Here are seven such remedies:​


Prostate cancer cases can double by 2040: Study

Prostate cancer cases set to double by 2040, reaching 2.9M annually. Risk factors include age, family history, and ethnicity, with lifestyle choices impacting early symptoms. Regular screening tests are vital for early detection and effective treatment. It is a big concern right now because prostate cancer accounts for about 15 per cent of the total cases of cancer seen in men.


Iconic paintings of Biblical scenes

The Bible has inspired countless artists to create beautiful works depicting its stories. Here are six stunning artworks featuring scenes from the Bible.
