In pics: Ambani family’s grand, luxury abode Antilia

Antilia, home to Mukesh Ambani and his family is located in the posh Atlamount road. Ambani's home is a luxurious abode with state of the art facilities and designed by some of the best architects' from around the world.

When is Mahashivratri? Types of Shivratri in a year

Mahashivratri, a significant Hindu celebration, honours Lord Shiva and happens every year on the 14th day of the dark fortnight in the month of Phalgun. This special night is filled with Shiva's powerful energies, guiding devotees towards inner growth and spiritual development.

8 types of elephants found around the world

With distinct traits and habitats, discover the diverse world of elephants, from the majestic African Bush to the elusive Borneo Elephant. These magnificent creatures face threats of extinction. Protecting their homes is vital for the survival of these gentle giants.