Fruits you can grow in a pot and how

Fruits and produce are always best when they are home-grown and organic. They are more nutritious, away from pesticides and, of course, tastier. So, if you have a home garden and don’t mind investing some time, here we list 8 fruits you can grow at home.

Know about these famous Shaktipeeths outside India?

Shaktipeeths are special places in Hinduism where it's believed parts of a goddess named Sati fell. Some stories say this happened when Lord Shiva danced while carrying her, while others mention Lord Vishnu using a powerful weapon on her to help Shiva. These sites are now important symbols of female divine power. People from all over visit these places for blessings.

4 predictions that Nostradamus made for 2024

Nostradamus' enigmatic predictions for 2023 encompass financial struggles, a looming war, worsening climate crises, and growing civil unrest, which resonate with contemporary events. His cryptic verses, though open to interpretation, hint at the challenges faced by society. In 2024, Nostradamus foresees potential calamities, including climate catastrophes, a papal transition, upheavals within royal circles, and heightened geopolitical conflicts. These prophecies offer intriguing insights into the future, but deciphering their exact meanings remains a puzzle.