2024-417 - Internship - International Cooperation Branch

Category : International Cooperation Branch - (0803)/Intern - (I0516)

Contract Type : Intern

Job Details :

The International Cooperation Branch is part of the International Cooperation & Assistance Division and develops and runs a portfolio of international cooperation programmes, including capacity building projects aimed at fostering peaceful use of chemistry for the economic and technological development of OPCW States Parties. The programme is based on the provisions of Article XI of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC).
The portfolio of international cooperation programmes under Article XI is classified in three strategic areas: Integrated Chemicals Management, Enhancing Laboratory Capabilities and Chemical Knowledge Promotion and Exchange.

The International Cooperation Branch is looking for 2 interns:

Internship 1:
Support the effective coordination of the OPCW Africa Programme and International Cooperation Programme within ICA Division;
Support the initiatives of chemical safety and security management programme, including development of new tools and training materials;
Receive an effective on-the job training in areas of international public organisation, diplomacy and international relations, capacity building for developing nations, project management and administration.
Internship 2:
Support the preparation and coordination of the Global Conference - The role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in advancing the implementation of Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC);
Receive an effective on-the-job training in areas of international public organisation, diplomacy and international relations, capacity building for developing nations, project management and administration.

The internship 1:
The intern will be trained on and assist with the following:
Maintenance of the Africa Programme database contacts, alumni of capacity-building, etc.);
Support the organisation of meetings with States Parties (consultations, Steering Committee, etc.);
Assist with the preparation of presentations to States Parties and with compiling data/input for statements;
Drafting relevant internal and external correspondence;
Assist with the maintenance of Africa Network;
Support maintaining the pool of resource person for the Chemical Safety and Security Management Programme;
Assist the maintenance of the social media pages off various ICB programme alumni networks;
Provide support in development of chemical safety and security tools, including editor supports for guidelines and other written materials;
Assist the needs of chemical safety and security management in collection and analysing the survey results received;
Support organisation of capacity building events organised by International Cooperation Branch (routine correspondence with applicants/participants/resource persons, arranging international travel, accommodations, facilitating issuance of visas where courses or trainings are located) and assisting on other tasks in support of ICB programme when requested.
The internship 2:
The intern will be trained on and assist with the following:
Assist Programme Officer and Project Assistant in all administrative and logistical preparation of the conference (travel, accommodation, field coordination, visa, etc);
Support official communication with host government preparation team in preparation of Al conference;
Assist communication regarding the Al conference, including preparation of social medial posts, drafting of news items, and production of promotional materials Assist in designing of programme and booklet for the Al conference;
Support in development and coordination of proceeding materials, meeting minutes, and other written input for the Al conference.

Location : Johan de Wittlaan 32 2517 JR The Hague
