How to find calm in chaos in today's world

In this insightful piece, Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni Ji emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing emotional challenges, offering practical steps to combat depression and anxiety in today's competitive world. Through self-awareness, seeking support, and embracing positivity, individuals are urged to take control of their minds and celebrate the precious gift of life.

Slow running or exercise, which is better?

The choice between slow running and exercise depends on personal preferences and fitness goals. Slow running, like jogging, offers a low-intensity cardiovascular workout suitable for beginners. Exercise, a broader term, includes various activities with diverse benefits. Learn more about it, here.

Rules followed by parents of highly successful kids

Create a nurturing home environment by designing a daily routine that includes homework, chores, and bedtime. Show your child how school skills relate to real life and be a role model for lifelong learning. Build a strong partnership with your child's school community, attending events and conferences. Encourage responsibility and independence, setting clear rules and celebrating their efforts.

Relationship lessons from Sania-Shoaib's divorce

While rumours were rife for some time, Shoaib Malik's third wedding pictures followed by the news of Sania Mirza and Shoaib's divorce came as a shock to many. Here we look at some relationship lessons to learn from them.

Face massage tips for an ultimate glow

Facial massage is very important for the facial skin as it helps in regulating blood circulation and gives an ultimate glow. Let's take a look at the 10-step guide to do so.

How to create a strong bond with your teenager

These six magical parenting techniques hold the key to unlocking the secrets of your adolescent's heart and navigating the enchanted world of parenting. You can create a bond that not only weathers the stormy waves of adolescence but emerges stronger and more enchanting than ever before with a little perseverance, imagination, and magic dust. Now set out, enchanted parent, and let the captivating journey commence!

7 simple ways to stay happy and positive

Good physical health is a precursor to good mental health, and focusing on lifestyle habits that are practiced every day is the first step to overall wellness.

In pics: Shahid Kapoor's sea-facing Worli home

Shahid and Mira Kapoor along with their kids moved to their new apartment in Worli in 2022 and the views from the balcony are absolutely breathtaking. The golden hour looks amazing and makes for the perfect spot for winding down after a long day.

10 Facts about What FDA Does and Does Not Approve

Source: Food and Drug Administration
Related MedlinePlus Pages: Drug Safety

Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte's unusual love story

President of France, Emmanuel Macron was in India as the Chief Guest for India's 75th Republic Day celebrations. The French President is known for his leadership qualities and is admired by many. But did you know that he also has an unusual love story with his wife, First Lady Brigitte Macron? Read about it here.

How to make tasty Beetroot Halwa

Beetroot Halwa, a vibrant and nutritious Indian dessert, combines grated beetroots, sugar, ghee, milk, cardamom, and nuts. It is rich, velvety, and has a beautiful natural hue. Beetroots are rich in nutrients, antioxidants, and aid digestion.

Ilaiyaraaja's daughter dies of stomach cancer

Chief minister M K Stalin has condoled the death of Ilayaraj's daughter Bhavatharani's death and said that he was both shocked and saddened by her sudden demise. Bhavatharani who was born into a family of musicians captured the hearts of many at a very young age, he said. Her unique voice made it easy to distinguish and identify her songs. Chief minister Stalin also recalled how the singer had bagged the national award for her song, in the film `Bharathi' for which her father was the music director. She has also been music director for many films.

Is your partner unhappy?

To help you navigate your relationship problems, here we list down some effective ways to deal with the situation. Read on to know more.

How to achieve a goal: Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

​Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, the 11th President of India (2002-2007), was a renowned scientist, visionary, and a beloved figure known as the "People's President." Born in 1931, he played a pivotal role in India's space and missile development. Fondly called the "Missile Man," Kalam was a key architect of India's Pokhran-II nuclear tests. Beyond his scientific contributions, he was a passionate advocate for education and youth empowerment. His simplicity, humility, and inspirational speeches endeared him to people of all ages. Dr. Kalam passed away in 2015, leaving behind a legacy of knowledge, patriotism, and a vision for a developed India.​

Moringa water is a beauty superfood

Moringa water aka drumstick water is a perfect natural beauty remedy. How? let's take a look at its benefits.

Expert decodes Vicky-Ankita's relationship

Let's take a look at Pandit Jagannath Guruji's analysis to gain a better understanding of what the couple means to each other and how their journey inside the Bigg Boss house has shaped their relationship.

Ancient anti-ageing Chinese beauty hacks

Ancient Chinese beauty practices, rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), offer a holistic and time-tested approach to achieving radiant skin. From jade rollers and Gua Sha tools to green tea, pearl powder, and lotus seeds, these age-old secrets continue to inspire modern skincare routines, emphasizing the importance of internal balance and external beauty.

7 home cleaning tips to remain disease free

Following these 7 cleaning tips will not only make your house shine but also serve as a barrier against illness. Accept the symphony of cleanliness and allow your house to transform into a vibrant, healthy haven.

7 beautiful Indian embroidery designs

Embroidery is a unique way to decorate fabric using needles, threads, beads, and different stitching techniques. It's like creating art on cloth by hand. Each region has its own unique style and one can make clothes special by choosing the beads, thread, and colours. Whether it's fancy wedding clothes or simple scarves, embroidery can make any fabric look awesome.

​Signs you are aging (tips to reverse it)​

​Aging is a natural and inevitable part of the human experience. As time passes, our bodies undergo various transformations, reflecting the journey through different life stages. While the aging process is unique to each individual, certain signs are commonly associated with getting older. Recognizing these signs is not only crucial for proactive health management but also for fostering a positive mindset toward aging.​

How to deal with toxic colleagues

Toxic coworkers exhibit consistent negativity, undermine colleagues, and lack accountability, creating a detrimental work environment. Recognizing these signs and implementing effective coping strategies is crucial for maintaining a positive workplace atmosphere.

'The Da Vinci Code' explained

‘The Da Vinci Code’ by Dan Brown is one of the best thriller novels you will ever read. The amazing plot and the twists and turns throughout the book make it an engaging read that feels worth your time. Here we summarise the story for you in 10 sentences.

10 ways to support your child in job hunt

you are on a shared adventure. with your child Together, you can give your young adult the confidence and enthusiasm they need to enter the workforce. To their prosperous future, cheers!

Pilgrimage fashion is a thing, thanks to Kangana

Kangana Ranaut is a fashion icon in Bollywood. Let's take a look at her temple looks wrapped in traditional wear.

DIY Korean rice water spray for lustrous hair

Korean beauty secrets have been making every impossible thing possible for us, and we should try it for our skin and hair. They have been the leading country to have the best-hidden secrets to their glass-like skin textures, and are known for their homemade remedies which are affordable and feasible to create. Let’s take a look at the popular DIY Korean rice water spray for glowing skin and lustrous hair.

9 ways to fall in love with your life

Simple ways to fall in love with your life all over again.

8 classics every student should read

Classics are a must-read for everyone. The amazing vocabulary, the storyline, the lessons they give, and how beautifully relevant they still are. These simple but amazing qualities make them a must-read and here we list a few easy ones that should be on a student’s reading list.

Bird exhibiting male, female features found

Experts uncover exceptionally rare bilateral gynandromorphic birds displaying both male and female characteristics in Colombia. The bird's distinct half-green (female) and half-blue (male) plumage was photographed for the first time by amateur ornithologist John Morillo. University of Otago zoologist Professor Hamish Spencer made the discovery and documented it in the Journal of Field Ornithology

9 compelling reasons to have multigrain roti

Elevate your daily nutrition by opting for multigrain roti. With a myriad of health benefits, these wholesome chapatis contribute to overall well-being and add variety to your meals.

Immense health benefits of Sarson Ka Saag

Sarson ka Saag, a traditional Punjabi dish, is not just a culinary delight but also a powerhouse of health benefits. Crafted from mustard greens and accompanied by seasonal greens like spinach and bathua, this dish is rich in essential nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants. Enjoyed with makki di roti, it holds cultural significance during festivals like Lohri. Sarson ka Saag is low in calories, moderate in protein and carbohydrates, and rich in dietary fiber.

Frequently Asked Questions about NF

Source: Children's Tumor Foundation - PDF
Related MedlinePlus Pages: Neurofibromatosis

Quotes by Shakespeare to deal with modern life issues

One of the most famous men and authors of his time, ‘Bard of Avon’ as Shakespeare is called, has shared with the world some true words of wisdom. His quotes are relevant even today and some of them are perfect for dealing with the issues of modern life.

AI imagines people celebrating New Year

New Year traditions are different around the world. From breaking plates to ward off evil to jumping from a chair to jump into a successful year, each country has its own tradition. Here we show how AI imagines the celebration of a New Year.

​Signs your kid is a ‘genius’​

​Every child is unique, possessing distinct qualities and potential for growth. Here are certain signs that may suggest a child has exceptional abilities or talents. Recognizing these signs can be crucial for providing the right support and encouragement to help nurture their potential. It's essential to approach the concept of a 'genius' with sensitivity, recognizing that intelligence manifests in diverse ways. Here are some signs that your child may be displaying extraordinary abilities:​

Prithviraj Sukumaran’s fitness, diet plan here

Prithviraj Sukumaran recently graced the big screen alongside Prabhas in Prashanth Neel's 'Salaar.' Let's take a look at his fitness and diet regime.

Why winter cold creams are still popular

The enduring popularity of winter cold creams in India is a confluence of cultural affinity, climatic diversity, and the creams' ability to address the unique needs of Indian skin during the winter months. As the winter season approaches each year, the comforting presence of these creams continues to be a cherished part of the skincare routine for millions of Indians, transcending trends and embracing the timeless tradition of winter skincare.

10 motivational quotes to keep you going at work

From Zig Ziglar to Steve Jobs, here's what some of the great people had to say about success.

6 Common kitchen spices to boost wealth this year

How forgiveness helps in spiritual growth

Forgiveness holds immense importance as it liberates individuals from the burden of resentment, fostering emotional healing and inner peace. By letting go of grudges, one opens the door to personal growth, healthier relationships, and a more positive outlook on life. Embracing forgiveness is a transformative act that allows individuals to break free from the shackles of the past and move towards a future filled with empathy, understanding, and emotional well-being.

Ultimate fitness inspiration from Shilpa Shetty

Shilpa Shetty is a fitness enthusiast. The 48-year-old actress is known for her fitness, showcasing her strength and flexibility on her social media platform which always garners tons of traction from her fans. Let’s take a look at her fitness regime with some of her popular exercises and fitness sessions throughout the year.

5 jewellery pieces every bride must have

With the ongoing wedding season, the wedding day and the post-wedding period is highly overwhelming for the brides. But here's some help in the jewellery department.

Homemade drinks to fix hangovers

5 ways to include raw turmeric in your diet

Adding a small amount of turmeric to the daily diet can help in boosting immunity, but do you know how to add raw turmeric to the daily diet? Here are 5 simple ways to add this root spice to the diet and improve overall health.

Celestial events that bedazzled us in 2023

Discover the celestial spectacles that lit up 2023's skies! From meteor showers to eclipses, delve into the captivating cosmic events that mesmerized skywatchers with awe-inspiring wonders and cosmic beauty.

Smart ways to help kids get a digital detox

Encouraging children to have a healthy balance with technology is essential for their well-being. Here are seven smart ways to help children get a digital detox.

10 Beauty lessons 2023 taught us

Here are some of the beauty lessons we learnt in 2023.