Ayurvedic oil to reverse greying of hair

These Ayurvedic remedies can help your reverse your grey hair.


Tips for negotiating your salary

Salary negotiation is a two-way street. Both you and your employer should come out of the discussion feeling satisfied. Approach it as a collaborative effort to ensure you are fairly compensated for your hard work and dedication. Here are some tips for negotiating your salary.


LGBTQ: Sexual Orientation

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5 yoga poses to help manage fatty liver

Fatty liver issues? Yoga offers a holistic solution. These five yoga poses can aid in managing fatty liver by promoting better liver function and overall well-being. Triangle, Sphinx, Cobra, Bow, and Half Lord of the Fishes poses encourage gentle movement, reduce stress, and enhance organ health. Incorporate them into your routine for potential benefits.


Secret weapon of your relationship

Taking a pause may be the secret weapon you need to breathe new life into your relationship. It's an opportunity to step back, reassess, and ultimately come back stronger and more connected. If you are facing rough waters, don't be afraid to press pause. Read further to find out more about taking a pause in a relationship.


10 most read books in the world

While some would think that 'Harry Potter' is the most-read book others will probably point to 'Romeo and Juliet' by Shakespeare. But it would come as a surprise to many that either of them are not the most read. Read on to know more.


Does your skin care product have microplastics?

Check your skincare products for plastics.


6 signs you will make a great leader

To become a great leader, one needs self-awareness, continuous learning, and the development of various qualities and skills. These include effective communication skills, emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, decision-making abilities, leading by example, and the ability to motivate others. Leaders excel in verbal and non-verbal communication, possess empathy, have a clear vision, make well-informed decisions, lead by example, and inspire and motivate their team.


Is sibling rivalry bad?

Sibling rivalry may be a great advantage and promote growth if it is appropriately fostered. Siblings have the ability to push one another to grow as people.


Myths on multivitamins you will regret believing

​Multivitamin pills are among the most popular dietary supplements worldwide. Marketed as a convenient way to fill nutritional gaps, multivitamins have earned both praise and criticism. Unfortunately, myths and misconceptions often surround these supplements, leading to confusion about their benefits and potential drawbacks. Let’s understand common myths about multivitamin pills to help you make informed choices about your dietary supplement regimen.​


Tetsuya Ishida and Japan’s Lost Decade

The "Lost Decade" refers to the economic downturn that occurred in Japan during the 1990s, lasting for an extended period. Japan experienced rapid economic growth after World War II but faced a financial bubble in the late 1980s. Tetsuya Ishida, a painter during this time, depicted the monotony and sadness of the era through his powerful and poignant art, highlighting the struggles of ordinary people in the recession. An exhibition of his work was held at Gagosian Gallery in 2023.


Wedding lehengas by Faraz Manan

Faraz Manan is the most celebrated wedding wear designer in Pakistan.


Deficiency of vitamin D can cause these diseases

​Vitamin D is often associated with strong bones and healthy teeth, but its importance goes far beyond mere skeletal health. This fat-soluble vitamin plays a critical role in numerous bodily functions, and a deficiency can lead to a wide array of hidden symptoms that might not immediately be attributed to low vitamin D levels. Here’s how vitamin D deficiency can affect the overall well-being of human health.​


5 beautiful street arts across India

A unique way of expressing one's emotions, street art is famous for being a rather unconventional form. While some authorities feel that it is destruction of public property, others agree that it beautifies and enhances the landscape of a particular area. Across India, you can find several walls and buildings laced with creative artwork, done by Indian artists which bring vibrance to a monotonous and dull atmosphere.


How often should you wash your hair?

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Vaccine for 3 types of COVID sees success​

​A vaccine has been designed to protect against three deadly coronavirus strains and has been successful in mouse studies. The vaccine developed by researchers at the Duke Human Vaccine Institute demonstrates the viability of a pan-coronavirus vaccine. The vaccine offers protection against "SARS-CoV-1, another form of SARS coronavirus that can infect humans, and a MERS coronavirus that has led to periodic, deadly outbreaks around the world," the institute has said in an official statement.​


Durga mantras for students

​Currently, Hindus are observing Navratri, the nine-day auspicious festival where devotees pray to the Shakti. Maa Durga has nine forms Shailputri, Brahmcharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandmata, Katyaini, Kaalratri, Mahagauri, and Siddhatri. On this Navratri, encourage your kid to chant Durga mantras which are believed to have a positive impact on life. ​


5 DIY ubtan recipes for glowing skin

Try ubtan for a glowing skin.


Difference between Kanjeevaram, Banarasi

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Trouble Moving or Walking

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Expressing spirituality through tattoos

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Why do you want to be a nurse?

  it offers you the opportunity to make decisions that will help people live longer, healthier lives. Your work every day as a nurse will have a tangible impact on the lives of those in your community.

Part time hire nurse


If you're looking to hire a part-time nurse, you can follow a similar process to the one outlined in the previous response for hiring a nurse. Here are some specific steps to consider:

  1. Determine Your Needs: Identify the specific healthcare needs that require part-time nursing care. This could include assistance with medication management, wound care, monitoring vital signs, or other medical tasks.

  2. Contact Healthcare Agencies: Reach out to local home healthcare agencies or nursing staffing agencies. They often have part-time nursing staff available for a range of medical needs.

  3. Check Qualifications and Licensing: Ensure that the nurse you hire has the appropriate qualifications and licensing for the tasks they will be performing. Verify their credentials and certifications.

  4. Conduct Interviews: Interview potential nurses to assess their skills, experience, and personality. Ensure they are a good fit for your specific healthcare needs.

  5. Verify Background and References: Perform background checks and contact their references to verify their work history and professionalism.

  6. Discuss Terms and Rates: Clarify the terms of employment, including the schedule, hourly rates, and any additional benefits or responsibilities. Ensure both parties understand the expectations.

  7. Create a Contract: Draft a formal contract outlining the terms of employment, responsibilities, schedule, compensation, and other relevant details. Review and agree upon the contract.

  8. Set Up a Schedule: Establish a schedule for the part-time nurse's shifts. Clearly communicate any specific care requirements or medical routines that need to be followed during those shifts.

  9. Monitor and Evaluate: Continuously monitor the nurse's performance and the quality of care provided. Address any concerns promptly and provide feedback.

  10. Compliance with Legal and Regulatory Requirements: Make sure you are in compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements for hiring a nurse on a part-time basis, including tax and labor laws.

  11. Prepare the Home: Ensure that your home is equipped with any necessary medical equipment or supplies to support the nurse in providing care.

  12. Backup Coverage: Consider having a plan in place for backup coverage in case the part-time nurse cannot fulfill their duties when scheduled.

It's important to tailor your hiring process to meet your specific part-time nursing needs. Always ensure that you are hiring qualified and trustworthy individuals who can provide the necessary care for you or your loved one.

Hirenurse24 company details


If you are looking for a 24-hour nursing service or home healthcare agency, I recommend conducting an online search or reaching out to local healthcare organizations and agencies in your area. They can provide you with information on available services and help you find the right care provider for your specific needs.

When searching for healthcare services, always ensure that the providers are properly licensed, certified, and have a good reputation for providing quality care. You can also consider checking online reviews and asking for references to make an informed decision.

how to hirenurse24


To hire a nurse 24/7 or around the clock nursing services, you can follow these steps:

  1. Determine Your Needs: Assess your specific healthcare needs to understand what type of nurse you require. Are you looking for a registered nurse (RN), licensed practical nurse (LPN), or a certified nursing assistant (CNA)? The type of nurse you need will depend on the level of care required.

  2. Contact Local Agencies: Start by reaching out to local home healthcare agencies or nursing staffing agencies. They can help connect you with qualified nurses who are available for 24/7 care.

  3. Check Qualifications and Licensing: Ensure that the nurse you hire has the appropriate qualifications and licensing to provide the level of care you need. Check their credentials, certifications, and references.

  4. Conduct Interviews: Interview potential nurses to assess their skills, experience, and personality. It's important to find a nurse who is a good fit for your specific healthcare needs and can provide the level of care you require.

  5. Verify Background and References: Perform thorough background checks and contact their references to verify their work history and professionalism.

  6. Discuss Terms and Rates: Clarify the terms of employment, including the schedule, hourly rates, and any additional benefits or responsibilities. Make sure you and the nurse have a clear understanding of expectations.

  7. Create a Contract: Draft a formal contract that outlines the terms of employment, responsibilities, schedule, compensation, and any other relevant details. Ensure both parties review and agree to the contract.

  8. Arrange for Backup Coverage: In a 24/7 nursing situation, it's important to have backup coverage in case the primary nurse cannot fulfill their duties. Discuss contingency plans and ensure you have a plan in place.

  9. Set Up a Schedule: Create a schedule for the nurse's shifts, ensuring that there is coverage around the clock. Discuss any specific care requirements or medical routines that need to be followed.

  10. Monitor and Evaluate: Continuously monitor the nurse's performance and the quality of care provided. Address any concerns promptly and provide feedback.

  11. Prepare the Home: Ensure that your home is equipped with any necessary medical equipment or supplies to support the nurse in providing care.

  12. Compliance with Legal and Regulatory Requirements: Make sure that you are in compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements for hiring a nurse, including tax and labor laws.

Remember that hiring a nurse for 24/7 care is a significant responsibility, and you should take your time to find the right individual or agency to meet your healthcare needs. It's essential to establish clear communication and a strong working relationship with the nurse to ensure the best possible care for your loved one.

​Beauty lessons to take from Rashmika

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How an hour's silence in a day helps you!

​Silence is a powerful tool that often goes unnoticed in our hectic, noisy world. Embracing silence and dedicating one hour of your day to it can be transformative, affecting not only your mental and emotional well-being but also your physical health. Here’s how being silent for one hour daily can change your life and improve your overall health.​


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What Is Kawasaki Disease?

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Symptoms of childhood mental disorders

Discovering and addressing childhood mental disorders is crucial for a child's well-being. Parents must recognize signs like anxiety's impact on concentration and sleep, ADHD's forgetfulness and impulsivity, ASD's communication struggles, eating disorders' risky habits, and depression's persistent sadness. Early intervention and understanding these disorders are vital tools for nurturing children's mental health.


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ADHD and Substance Abuse: The Link Parents Need to Know

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Source: Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development -
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company nurse jobs


Company nurse jobs are a great way for nurses to use their skills and knowledge to help employees stay healthy and productive. Company nurses may work in a variety of settings, such as offices, factories, schools, and hospitals. Their duties may vary depending on the specific needs of their employer, but may include:

  • Providing first aid and emergency care

  • Conducting health screenings and assessments

  • Educating employees on health and safety topics

  • Developing and implementing wellness programs

  • Managing employee health records

  • Working with other healthcare providers to coordinate care for employees

Company nurses play an important role in keeping employees healthy and safe. They can help to reduce absenteeism, improve employee morale, and reduce the cost of healthcare for employers.

Here are some examples of company nurse jobs:

  • Occupational health nurse

  • School nurse

  • Industrial nurse

  • Public health nurse

  • Corporate nurse

  • Travel nurse

To become a company nurse, you must be a registered nurse (RN) with a current license. Some employers may also require or prefer nurses to have experience in a specific setting, such as occupational health or school nursing.

To find company nurse jobs, you can search online job boards, such as Indeed, Monster, and CareerBuilder. You can also contact employers directly to inquire about job openings.

Here are some tips for finding company nurse jobs:

  • Network with other nurses in your area. Attend nursing events, join online nursing forums, and reach out to your former classmates and colleagues. Let them know that you are interested in company nurse jobs and they may be able to connect you with opportunities.

  • Use social media to your advantage. Many employers post job openings on their social media pages. Follow them on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to be the first to know about new positions.

  • Consider working with a recruiter. Recruiters specialize in matching job seekers with open positions. They can help you find company nurse jobs that meet your needs and qualifications.

I hope this helps!

hire a nurse for a day cost


The cost of hiring a nurse for a day varies depending on a number of factors, including the nurse's experience, the type of care needed, and the location. In general, you can expect to pay between $250 and $500 per day for a registered nurse (RN).

Here are some of the factors that can affect the cost of hiring a nurse for a day:

  • Nurse's experience: More experienced nurses typically charge higher rates.

  • Type of care needed: Some types of care, such as skilled nursing care or wound care, require more specialized training and experience, and therefore cost more.

  • Location: Nurses in major metropolitan areas typically charge higher rates than nurses in rural areas.

  • Agency fees: If you hire a nurse through an agency, you will also need to pay an agency fee.

If you are considering hiring a nurse for a day, it is important to get quotes from multiple nurses or agencies before making a decision. You should also ask about any additional fees, such as travel expenses or overtime charges.

Here are some tips for finding and hiring a nurse for a day:

  • Ask your doctor or other healthcare providers for recommendations.

  • Search online for nurses or agencies in your area.

  • Contact your local hospital or nursing home to see if they offer any referral services.

  • Read reviews of nurses and agencies before making a decision.

Once you have found a few potential nurses or agencies, be sure to interview them to discuss your needs and budget. You should also ask about their experience, qualifications, and insurance coverage.

I hope this helps!

remote jobs for nurses


There are a variety of remote jobs available for nurses. Some of the most common remote nursing jobs include:

  • Telehealth nurse: Telehealth nurses provide care to patients remotely, using video conferencing, phone calls, and other technologies. They may assess patients' symptoms, provide education and support, and make referrals to other healthcare providers.

  • Case manager: Case managers work with patients to coordinate their care and ensure that they are receiving the services they need. They may help patients schedule appointments, understand their insurance benefits, and manage their medications.

  • Nurse educator: Nurse educators develop and deliver educational programs for nurses and other healthcare professionals. They may work for hospitals, nursing schools, or other organizations.

  • Legal nurse consultant: Legal nurse consultants provide expert advice to attorneys and other legal professionals on medical and nursing issues. They may review medical records, research medical literature, and testify in court.

  • Clinical trial nurse: Clinical trial nurses work on research studies that test new drugs and treatments. They may be responsible for administering medications to participants, collecting data, and monitoring for side effects.

Other remote nursing jobs may include:

  • School nurse

  • Occupational health nurse

  • Insurance nurse reviewer

  • Quality improvement nurse

  • Nurse writer

  • Nurse researcher

To find remote nursing jobs, you can search online job boards, such as Indeed, Monster, and CareerBuilder. You can also search the websites of hospitals and other healthcare organizations that offer remote work opportunities.

Here are some tips for finding remote nursing jobs:

  • Be flexible with your schedule. Many remote nursing jobs require evening, night, or weekend shifts.

  • Be willing to travel. Some remote nursing jobs may require you to travel to different locations.

  • Use your network. Let your friends, family, and former colleagues know that you are looking for a remote nursing job. They may be able to connect you with opportunities.

  • Be persistent. It may take some time to find the perfect remote nursing job. Keep applying for jobs and don't give up.

I hope this helps!

cruise ship nurse jobs


Cruise ship nursing jobs are a great way to combine your love of travel with your career. As a cruise ship nurse, you will be responsible for providing basic and emergency care to passengers and crew members. You will also be involved in public health education and outreach.

To be eligible for a cruise ship nursing job, you must be a registered nurse (RN) with at least two years of experience. You must also be certified in BLS (Basic Life Support) and ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support). Some cruise lines also prefer nurses with experience in emergency room, general practice, or critical care.

Cruise ship nursing jobs are typically contract positions. Contracts typically range from six to twelve months, but can be longer or shorter depending on the cruise line and the position. Cruise ship nurses typically work 12-hour shifts, seven days a week.

Cruise ship nurses are compensated with a salary, room and board, and transportation to and from the ship. Salaries for cruise ship nurses vary depending on the cruise line, the position, and the nurse's experience. However, cruise ship nurses typically earn a good salary and benefits.

If you are interested in a cruise ship nursing job, you can search for openings on the websites of cruise lines or on job boards such as Indeed and Monster. You can also reach out to cruise line recruiting agencies.

Here are some of the benefits of working as a cruise ship nurse:

  • Competitive salary and benefits

  • Opportunity to travel the world

  • Meet new people from all over the world

  • Work in a challenging and rewarding environment

  • Learn new skills and gain experience

Here are some of the challenges of working as a cruise ship nurse:

  • Long hours and shifts

  • Working in a confined space

  • Dealing with seasickness and other medical emergencies

  • Being away from home and family for extended periods of time

If you are considering a cruise ship nursing job, weigh the pros and cons carefully to decide if it is the right choice for you.

part time rn jobs near me


  • Staff Nurse (Part-time) at One Life Home Healthcare Pvt Ltd

  • Registered Nurse (Part-time) at CaringLife Home Healthcare

  • Home Care Nurse at Multiple Home Healthcare Agencies

  • School Nurse at Various Schools

  • Nurse Educator at Nursing Schools and Colleges

  • Nurse Consultant at Various Organizations

You can also find part-time RN jobs by searching on job boards such as Indeed, Monster, and CareerBuilder. Be sure to filter your search results by location and keyword to find jobs that meet your needs.

Here are some additional tips for finding part-time RN jobs:

  • Be flexible with your schedule. Many part-time RN jobs are for evening, night, or weekend shifts.

  • Be willing to travel. Some part-time RN jobs may require you to travel to different locations.

  • Use your network. Let your friends, family, and former colleagues know that you are looking for a part-time RN job. They may be able to connect you with opportunities.

  • Be persistent. It may take some time to find the perfect part-time RN job. Keep applying for jobs and don't give up.

I hope this helps!

rn jobs near me


  • Staff Nurse at Shreeji Multispeciality Hospital

  • Registered Nurse at Apex Hospital

  • Registered Nurse (ICU) at Sterling Hospital

  • Staff Nurse For Home care at Medwell Healthcare

  • Registered Nurse at Zydus Hospital

You can also search for RN jobs on the websites of hospitals and other healthcare organizations in your area. Many organizations have a careers page where you can view open positions and submit your application.

Here are some additional tips for finding RN jobs near you:

  • Network with other nurses in your area. Attend nursing events, join online nursing forums, and reach out to your former classmates and colleagues. Let them know that you are looking for a new job and they may be able to connect you with opportunities.

  • Use social media to your advantage. Many hospitals and other healthcare organizations post job openings on their social media pages. Follow them on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to be the first to know about new positions.

  • Consider working with a recruiter. Recruiters specialize in matching job seekers with open positions. They can help you find RN jobs that meet your needs and qualifications.

I hope this helps!

What your face reveals about your health

​We often ignore the subtle signs of a disease and focus only on the serious symptoms. Our face is a mirror of our health. Given here are certain mild symptoms of diseases seen on the face that can help with diagnosis.​
