What are the 7 nursing ethics?


Nursing ethics are the principles and values that guide ethical decision-making and behavior within the nursing profession. While there are various ethical principles that nurses should uphold, a commonly recognized framework includes the following seven nursing ethics:

  1. Autonomy: Respecting the autonomy of patients means acknowledging their right to make informed decisions about their own healthcare. Nurses should provide patients with relevant information, ensure they understand their options, and support their choices, even if they disagree with them.

  2. Beneficence: This principle is about promoting the well-being and best interests of the patient. Nurses should act in ways that benefit the patient, provide care that is in their best interest, and strive to maximize positive outcomes while minimizing harm.

  3. Non-Maleficence: The principle of non-maleficence is often summed up as "do no harm." Nurses should avoid causing harm to patients and prioritize their safety and well-being. This includes preventing errors, minimizing risks, and addressing potential harm promptly.

  4. Justice: Nurses should ensure the fair and equitable distribution of healthcare resources and services. This means treating all patients equally and without discrimination, advocating for access to care, and addressing disparities in healthcare delivery.

  5. Veracity: Veracity refers to truthfulness and honesty. Nurses should provide accurate information to patients, maintain trust through honesty in their interactions, and not deceive or mislead patients in any way.

  6. Fidelity: Fidelity, also known as loyalty or faithfulness, involves keeping promises and being loyal to patients by fulfilling one's professional responsibilities. Nurses should be reliable and accountable for their actions and commitments to patients.

  7. Confidentiality: Protecting patient confidentiality is essential. Nurses must maintain the privacy of patient information and not disclose sensitive medical or personal details to unauthorized individuals. This includes respecting legal and ethical standards, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States.

These seven nursing ethics provide a framework for ethical decision-making in the nursing profession. Nurses often encounter complex ethical dilemmas in their practice, and these principles help guide their actions and choices to ensure that they provide ethical, patient-centered care while upholding the highest moral standards.