12/24 Hours Clinical Nurses for Long Term Care


It appears you are looking for clinical nurses who can work 12- or 24-hour shifts in a long-term care setting. Clinical nurses play a crucial role in providing healthcare services to residents in long-term care facilities, such as nursing homes or assisted living centers.

To find clinical nurses for long-term care positions, you can consider the following steps:

  1. Contact Local Healthcare Facilities: Reach out to local nursing homes, long-term care facilities, and healthcare agencies to inquire about available nursing positions. They may have openings for nurses who can work extended shifts.

  2. Online Job Boards: Post job listings on popular job search websites or nursing-specific job boards. Be specific about the hours and type of care required.

  3. Nursing Schools: Contact local nursing schools or vocational programs to see if they have recent graduates or nursing students looking for part-time or full-time work in long-term care.

  4. Healthcare Staffing Agencies: Consider partnering with healthcare staffing agencies that specialize in placing nurses and healthcare professionals. They can help you find qualified candidates with the desired shift availability.

  5. Professional Nursing Associations: Reach out to local or national nursing associations. They may have job boards or resources to connect you with qualified clinical nurses.

  6. Social Media: Utilize social media platforms and professional networks like LinkedIn to post job openings and connect with potential candidates.

  7. Job Fairs: Attend local job fairs or healthcare career events to network with nurses who are seeking employment.

When recruiting clinical nurses for long-term care positions, it's important to clearly communicate the job requirements, expectations, and shift schedules to potential candidates. Additionally, ensure that you follow all relevant hiring laws and regulations and conduct thorough background checks and interviews to select qualified and compassionate nursing staff who can provide excellent care to residents in long-term care facilities.